005 – Tim Forte – DFW Fitness Expert

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Written By DFW Best

The best people, businesses, adventures, and experiences in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Texas.

Tim Forte is a personal trainer and certified health and nutrition coach based in Dallas, Texas. He specializes in in-home fitness and mindset training. Tim creates custom programs based on individual needs and goals.

Tim also offers virtual training for those anywhere in the world.

Mindset is a crucial aspect of fitness, so Tim helps clients address negative self-talk and limiting beliefs to support their journey.

He advocates a holistic approach to health, including good nutrition and exercise for long-term success and a better quality of life, especially as we age.

The most frequently asked questions we address with Tim in this podcast are:

  • How can I gain muscle?
  • What supplements should I take?
  • How long should my workouts be?
  • How long will it take to see results?
  • What’s the best way to lose weight?
  • Do I need to lift weights to get in shape?
  • What should I eat to support my fitness goals?
  • How do I begin a safe and effective fitness routine?
  • How can I stay motivated to stick with my fitness plan?

    Contact info for Tim Forte:

This podcast is made possible with the generous support of Funeral Funds of America. Contact your podcast host, Randy, at www.funeralfunds.com or (888) 862-9456 for all of your life insurance needs.

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